Off Balance On Purpose
Embrace Uncertainty and Create a Life You Love
238 Page Hardcover Book, Kindle, iBook, Audiobook
Every day, we are inundated with messages about the importance of finding “balance” in our lives. How does this make us feel? Overwhelmed, out of touch, and unfulfilled. The problem isn't us—it's the message. Perfect balance is unachievable and, upon closer inspection, undesirable. The perpetual quest for balance ends up limiting growth, progress, and the quality of life.
No Limits
Living a Life of Endless Possibilities
DVD Program
Dan Thurmon delivers a motivational experience that speaks directly to young adults and challenges them to live bold, outstanding, and rewarding lives. No Limits is a wakeup call that will help youth remove the self-imposed restraints of negative thinking and low expectations. This DVD program will inspire many to rethink their assumptions, develop focus, and commit to excellence in all areas of life.
Success in Action
The Direct Path to Your Higher Potential
276-Page Book, Audio Book and CD ROM, Combo
The Success in Action content will help you get started on a new path – one that will change the way you see yourself. Study this content and everything you experience will change. Implement the Action Plans, and your life becomes more satisfying than you ever imagined!
Juggling for Life
Lessons for Living from Throwing and Catching
60 Minute DVD and Three Ball Juggling Kit
Join world class Speaker and Juggler Dan Thurmon on a journey of learning that will expand your beliefs, sharpen your skills and teach rich lessons about life’s principals and accomplishment.